
Upgrading the version of IBM i typically requires no configuration changes to Zend Server for IBM i, but for 7.2 there is one configuration change and a minimum version requirement for Zend Server.

This article tells how to help insure that you have a smooth transition to 7.2 for your Zend Server. 


Zend Server for IBM i any version, running on any supported version of IBM i prior to 7.2 with a planned upgrade to 7.2 or higher.


Step 1):  Zend Server for IBM i version 7 is the earliest version compatible with 7.2.  Zend Server for IBM i version 8.5.3 is the earliest version compatible with 7.3.

Going to Zend Server for IBM i version 9.1.x  or 2018.0.x require a Migration rather than an upgrade and will require a Clean Install

Perform a clean install of Zend Server for IBM i

Upgrade Zend Server for IBM i from version 6 or later to versions up to 8.5.x

Step 2):  When you upgrade IBM i to 7.2 or higher, please make sure to apply all available PTF groups. The following article tells how to verify that your groups are current:

Verify your IBM i PTF groups are current

Step 3): Please verify that the 5733SC1 Licensed Program version has updated to match the new OS version. This article tells how:

IBM i issues with 5733SC1, libssl.a, libz.a, libcrypto.a, or others

Step 4):  Also, you must make a change to the Apache configuration due to a change in the Apache version. Apache 2.4 changes the usage of the include directive. This article will fill you in on the details:

After Upgrading to IBM i 7.2 or Higher, the ZENDPHP7 (or ZENDSVR6) Apache Instance Will Not Start