
This is the procedure to change the Developer password for Zend Server.  Since the old Developer password is not required, this can also be useful to set a new password when the old password is forgotten.


Zend Server 6 or 7 Production editions on any OS.

This article does not apply to the Developer editions: Developer User is Disabled on Zend Server Developer Edition


You can reset the Developer password in the Zend Server User Interface. Please go to Administration -> Users. Find 'developer' on the list, and click the associated 'Change password' link. The 'Change "developer" password' dialog will display. Please enter the current Administrator (admin user) password (not the current developer password) in the 'Current Password' field. Then enter and reenter the new developer password in the 'New Password' and 'Confirm New Password' fields. Click the 'Save Password' button.