
Upgrading the version of IBM i typically requires no configuration changes to Zend Server for IBM i, but for 7.2 there is one configuration change and a minimum version requirement for Zend Server.

This article tells how to help insure that you have a smooth transition to 7.2 for your Zend Server. 


Zend Server for IBM i any version, running on any supported version of IBM i prior to 7.2 with a planned upgrade to 7.2 or higher.


Step 1):  Zend Server for IBM i version 7 is the earliest version compatible with 7.2.  Zend Server for IBM i version 8.5.3 is the earliest version compatible with 7.3.

If you need to upgrade, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of Zend Server. Going to Zend Server for IBM i version 9  or higher require a Migration rather than an upgrade and will require a Clean Install

Perform a clean install of Zend Server for IBM i

If you need to upgrade, but want to keep using PHP 5.6 instead of PHP 7, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of Zend Server 8.5.

Upgrade Zend Server for IBM i from version 6 or later to versions up to 8.5.x

Step 2):  When you upgrade IBM i to 7.2 or higher, please make sure to apply all available PTF groups. The following article tells how to verify that your groups are current:

Verify your IBM i PTF groups are current

Step 3): Please verify that the 5733SC1 Licensed Program version has updated to match the new OS version. This article tells how:

IBM i issues with 5733SC1, libssl.a, libz.a, libcrypto.a, or others

Step 4):  Also, you must make a change to the Apache configuration due to a change in the Apache version. Apache 2.4 changes the usage of the include directive. This article will fill you in on the details:

After Upgrading to IBM i 7.2 or Higher, the ZENDPHP7 (or ZENDSVR6) Apache Instance Will Not Start