Applies to: IBMi Servers


History log

The history log is a database file that is tagged with CCSID 65535. The system copies the messages in the QHST message queue to the history log files and then removes them from the QHST message queue.

The history log (QHST) contains a high-level trace of system activities such as system, subsystem, job information, device status, and system operator messages. Its message queue is QHST.


Displaying the list of history log files

  1. To view a list of history log files:

      2.  To display the list of history logs and to view its contents:


 QHST files deletion

A log version is created such that only the security officer is authorized to delete it:

 System Values

Note: Log version physical files accumulate on a system and you should periodically delete old logs that are not needed.